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Nicole Ashley

Hey Friends!

2017 is done and in the books. An interesting year, a year full of surprises, full of fun, a year that brought on new opportunities and with that new responsibilities. So much has happened, so much that I've learned.

The blogging scene was fairly new to me, I wasn't sure what to expect from it, but gave it shot and I'm sure glad I did, because what I got will stay with me a lifetime. I had the opportunity to work with many great bloggers, photographers and companies. Forged many new friendship all of them significant to my growing process.

My resolution for 2o18 is to blog more! I want to create content for everyone to explore. My blog will continue to reflect on the latest Disney styles, trends, gadgets and so much more. To stay tuned on whats to come follow me on Instagram subscribe to my email list! You can subscribe on my home page. Thank you guys!

With love,

Nicole Ashley


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